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CRN: Center for Regenerative Nanomedicine

Services, Rates and Ordering

ANTEC offers a broad range of equipment and services to users from Northwestern University, other academic institutions, and industry. Please contact Hiroaki Sai at with any questions on rates and access.

This table contains information about ANTEC equipment rates and services.
Services NU Academic Industry Billing Unit
Equipment Orientation, Training, User Supervision $80 $88 $128 per hour
Scientific Illustration (more info) $98.40 $108.24 $157.44 per hour
Staff Service $60 $66 $96 per hour
3D Printing $20 $22 $32 per session
Equipment NU Academic Industry Billing Unit
Azure300 Chemiluminescent Gel Imager $2.20 $3 $4 per minute
Centrifuge Long Spin* $15 $18 $24 per hour
Centrifuge Short Spin $2.50 $3 $4 per minute
CFX Connect Real-Time PCR System $20 $22 $32 per hour
Cytation3 Cell Imager and Plate Reader $30 $33 $50 per hour
Freezer/Mill (Evanston campus) $20 $22 $32 per hour
IncuCyte Live Cell Analysis System $2.75 $3.50 $5 per hour
Izon Exoid TRPS Particle Size Analyzer $120 $132 $192 per day
J-1500 CD Spectrometer $35 $39 $51 per hour
Lyophilizer (port) $40 $44 $64 per use
Lyophilizer (shelf) $80 $88 $128 per use
Nanosight300 (Evanston campus) $45 $50 $72 per hour
Plasma Cleaner $2.85 $4 $5 per minute
Piuma Nanoindenter $45 $50 $72 per hour
Rheometer MCR302 $18 $20 $28 per hour
Zetasizer Nano ZSP $40 $44 $64 per hour
Commodities NU Academic Industry Billing Unit
Liquid Nitrogen** $2 $3 $4 per liter
Liquid Nitrogen for Cell Storage $1.50 per liter

*Intended for reservation longer than 10 minutes. Minimum charge of $25 is applied.

**Flat rate for all usage except lyophilization. Liquid nitrogen for lyophilization is rolled into the lyophilization rate.