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The Peptide Synthesis Core Facility at the Center for Regenerative Nanomedicine (CRN) is an award-winning, custom peptide resource for peptide-related research needs. Located on Northwestern University’s downtown Chicago campus, the facility is staffed with highly skilled scientists and equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation dedicated to the chemical synthesis, purification, and characterization of peptides and peptide materials. We provide standard and catalog peptides, and we excel in the synthesis of specialty custom peptides modified to fit specific research needs.
We offer a comprehensive suite of services to support your peptide research, from initial consultation to final product delivery.
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We are committed to providing exceptional service to all researchers at Northwestern University, other institutions, and commercial entities. Our dedicated support of the research community is reflected in consistent Service Excellence recognitions and high user satisfaction survey results.
The Peptide Synthesis Core is a member of the NSF-supported SHyNE Resource, a network dedicated to fostering collaboration and innovation by providing access to state-of-the-art research facilities and technical expertise at Northwestern University and the University of Chicago.
Leverage our expertise, instrumentation, and experience for all your peptide-related research needs. Please get in touch with us for more information.