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CRN: Center for Regenerative Nanomedicine

Jonathan Rivnay - 2019 Sloan Research Fellow

My group harnesses polymeric materials as a means to bridge the biotic-abiotic gap. ”

Jonathan Rivnay
SQI Faculty Member

Recognizing unique potential to make substantial contributions to chemistry

SQI faculty member Jonathan Rivnay has been selected as a 2019 Sloan Research Fellow in Chemistry from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.  The Sloan Fellowships seek to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise in the fields of chemistry, computer science, neuroscience, ocean sciences, physics, computational and evolutionary molecular biology, mathematics, and economics. 

Rivnay joined Northwestern and SQI in 2017 as an assistant professor of biomedical engineering in the McCormick School of Engineering.  Rivnay’s research interests include ionic-electronic coupling in polymeric materials which present new opportunities in application and functionality, with a particular focus on bioelectronic usage.  “My group harnesses polymeric materials as a means to bridge the biotic-abiotic gap.  Our polymer material can speak the language of electronics – electrons - and biology - ions/biomolecules” said Rivnay.

In 2019, only 126 researchers at 57 colleges and universities were recognized with the two-year $70,000 award.

Image to the left shows a polarized-microscope image of conductive, doped microfibers. Image courtesy of Mayra Celene Cortez Alcaraz, Rivnay Lab.